Sunday, 26 April 2015

Throwback Körperwelten

Hey everybody :)

Last week on friday we were in an fascinating anatomy exhibition named ''Körperwelten/Body worlds'', the exhibition was about the human body and it's extremities and various diseases which are relating to the cardiovascular system. You could learn a lot about the different organs,muscles, bones and the nutritional habits of families all over the world.

We were very excited to visit this exhibition and yes it was very interesting, but there were a few things everybody or a few boys and girls were annoyed of and we had to criticize. First, during the exhibition we had to do a five-page worksheet so we had no chance to really enjoy the excursion. Second was the background music and the lightning, the music is a heartbeat and for our feeling it was too loud and the lightning only focused on the to be illuminated exhibition pieces, so overall it was very dark. Third for a few people it was very hard to believe that the bodies and organs in there were real because they really looked so fake. And fourth most of the girls found it very shocking to see the dead babies but it is just part of the human body and it’s part of the lives of almost every girl or woman. And there was one thing we missed, a short summery of how it was possible to obtain the bodies like that.

But overall it was very funny and educational there and without the worksheet it would have been much better.

 Kind regards Miro & Änna H.

And here are some impressions from the excursion  ⬇︎

Ps.: sorry for the bad quality at the one picture :)

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